America Evictions and Seeking Home
America aka. U.S.A. is in crisis mode. Whether it's threat of World War with Russia and China or it's threat of economic collapse. The United States is officially falling into a Recession and Depression is not far off. On top of all that, the emotional strife is increasing - gender issues and rights of persons with uterus to legally have abortion or not!
So what is another major problem, as if we don't have enough? (BTW i have millions of websites out there, talking about different things) Major problem is housing, basically a home. Is this the home of the free and the brave, or something like that? From sea to shining sea, or thereabouts? So where is that land?? Pete Seeger sang about it (thanks Pete, R.I.P.) and everybody always wanted it, the America Dream. But it's dying now, it's not as good as it used to be.
Americans can't be guaranteed the good life, in fact it's damn near impossible. That old dream is a nightmare now. Having a home? You are lucky to be allowed to stay in the gutter, without being kicked out. Evictions are on the increase. Foreclosures also. The real estate market is in chaos, because it's going crazy with greed. The investors are running rampant. That makes life and our Society go haywire! It spells doom for the nice place we call America.
I know, I experience it. You will too. Soon enough. it is coming to a neighborhood near you. Find out. It's the economy and people spending money and trying to make money. Unfortunately the superpower dollar on the international stage, it is being wrongly manipulated and ultimately it ain't worth much. Or is it? Is the dollar holding any value? Well, in terms of the greatest good and spiritual truth, the dollar has no ETERNAL VALUE. It is just a passing fad. The money-controllers keep propping up the dollar, but that kicking the can down the road only goes sooo long. They can't pass the buck forever.
All of your homes will be gone. All of you will eventually be homeless. Do you think that's possible? Can you imagine that scenario? It is quite apocalyptic. It is the dystopian future we all worry about. Yes, Worry!
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