Sacred Oath of Tasciotti, P.Ed. a/k/a Ahgamen: This sacred home will not be harmed, it has constant protection

This is my oath, made in solitude and solemnity.  Who I am, legally Peter E. Tasciotti, commonly known as Ahgamen, those who know me, they KNOW. 

So I swear that "This sacred home is our home, as we have intended and as according to Contract.  We will not break the contract, nor modify it.  This home and land is protected.  This home and land will not be harmed.  It is kept safe and secure.  It has a guardian Spirit.  many are aware of this Presence.  This being will confirm and enforce what I say herein".

Michelle, a/k/a Heyavazealia, mother in the Tribe, can verify.  She knows of the Spirit.  She does paranormal research, call it Ghost hunting or whatnot.  She found out herself about the Protector.

I know the Spirit works on our behalf. Amen Aho So be it. So mote it be, Aummm

note:  the place has always been somewhat secure and private and I can say that it has been respected and evidenced.  I experienced a long battle to establish this status.  Now as we go into the final battle towards victory, the safety and security will remain constant and permanent.  For the eternal purpose of Keyboa and all the peoples of the world.


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